14 June 2013

Marble Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

Hi guys! I made this cheesecake yesterday and it's really nice so I thought I'd share the recipe on here, it's quite sickly as you can imagine, so if you hate sickly stuff, I wouldn't reccomend it. But I think the sweeter, the better, so I loved it! :)

300g dark chocolate covered digestives (the recipe says 100g, but it made hardly any base, it was rediculous!)
150g butter
200g white chocolate
300ml double cream
300g full fat cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
100g dark chocolate (the recipe says 39% cocao solids, but I used 50% and it worked fine)

Line the base of a 20cm/8 inch springform tin with baking paper.
To make the base: Crush the biscuits in a blender (at this point, I managed to forget to put the lid on the blender and the biscuit went everywhere, but hopefully you're not as stupid as me)
Melt the butter in a bowl over a pan of hot water, and mix it with the biscuit, press into the tin and level with the back of a spoon.

To make the filling:
Chop the white chocolate into small chunks and melt it like you did with the butter, heat it gently and don't let it get too hot, otherwise it will split (apparently) set aside to cool a little.
Reserve 3 tablespoons of double cream. Pour the rest into a bowl with the cream cheese and vanilla. Whisk with an electric hand whisk until smooth, add the melted chocolate and whisk again until smooth and thick.
Spoon 6 tablespoons (maybe a bit less) of the mixture into another bowl, and put the remaining mixute in the tin and chill for 30 minutes.
Add the reserved double cream and the reserved white chocolate mixture together and spoon over the set mixture in the tin.
Melt the dark chocolate as before, then drizzle it over the cheesecake in random patterns, swirl the toppings together with a knife to get a marble-y effect. I think I used too much dark chocolate, so I'd pour a bit in, and swirl it in, then repeat until it looks kind of like in the picutre!
Chill for at least 2 hours before eating.

And there you go! It's not that hard, I'm terrible at anything food related (unless it involves eating food, I'm a pro at that) so I'm sure you'll manage great with it ;)


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