17 July 2014

OOTD: Pattern Clash

Sup *head nod*, I thought I'd do a quick OOTD with some bright colours and patterns because I really like them at the moment, which isn't very like me since I'm usually all about the black and white.

This is basically the outfit- I decided to do a mixture of patterns with black in between to break it up

My hair was looking pretty bad today so I just put it up in this milkmaid braid thing which is really easy to do for when you can't be bothered to do anything with your hair to make it look decent

Shoes- Charity shop (the insides are really worn out and the soles are nearly gone but they're so adorable)
They have some cute aztec print shoes on Newlook HERE and HERE

Cardigan- Primark (Similar here)
Necklace- Accessorize (similar here)

Skirt- Topshop (I couldn't find it on the website so it must have sold out- if it comes back in stock I will put a link here)

I wore this to the cinema and a friends house today and well I think everyone else probably thought I looked odd, but I thought I looked pretty rad and well, that's all that matters isn't it


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